Sunday, September 30, 2012


Lily's first drawing

Here is Lily's first recognizable face.


Monday, September 24, 2012


Abby has been back to school for a few weeks, but Lily has now officially become old enough to attend preschool as well.  Today was Lily's first day.  She was a little nervous at first, but warmed right up and had no problems.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Abby loves reading about dinosaurs and visiting the dinosaur exhibit at the Museum of Science.  She knows many of their names and what they eat. Her favorite is the triceratops.   We got her a set of plastic dinosaurs, which she loves to play with, but these dinosaurs do not say "roar".   This is an example of what they say:

- Protoceratops, what's wrong?
- I lost my sister.
- Oh, no! We'll help you. My name is Sarah and this is GusGus.  We'll make a plan and search the woods. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sharing a Bed

Now that Lily is out of a crib, Abby and Lily share a big bed when we go visit Grandma and Grampa.

Shared bed

It is still too exciting for Lily to go to sleep in this arrangement. So we have to put her to sleep in our bed and transfer her once she is asleep.