Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Quick Post

We haven't found much time to update the blog during our time in the States. So here's a quick preview of what the girls have been up to.

Giant ice cream cone on a really hot day


Nap with Grampa


Friday, July 2, 2010

First Face

Now Abby will happily draw a portrait of anyone.


(I, Becca, draw the outer circle of the face on this picture because she was having trouble getting it big enough. Now she can do it all herself.)

Blue Hats

While we were taking pictures of the 2 month old Lily, Abby ran to find her own blue hat and joined in the fun.




2 Months Old

(This post is a week and a half late; we have been quite busy.)


At her 2 month check-up Lily weighed in at 11.5 lbs. She continues to be 90% percentile height and weight. We moved her into size 3-6 month clothes just after her 2 month birthday.

At this point Lily is very chill, willing to put up with a lot from us and from her big sister. She loves to sleep and does it very well at night (with at least one 4-8 hr stretch starting around 7pm.) Naps are a bit more of a challenge, but we really can't complain. She smiles and coos at everyone and likes to wiggle her legs while holding her arms straight out to the side.