Friday, November 21, 2008


We went to the zoo with Nana and Papa. Abby was unimpressed by the peacock wandering around,


but the lion was exciting.



She was pretty tired by the time we got to the monkeys and apes.


Vroom, Vroom


Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Abby can take a few steps now,

but she still gets around in various ways.

(That was a grape, by the way.)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our Secret In-Joke

I don't have a picture for this post, but I think it is incredible cute. (Truthfully, I don't know where the camera is but I'm sure I'll find it soon.)

A few months ago I started calling out to Abby and giving her a big smile every time I used the garbage disposal, just in case the noise was going to scare her. Well, it worked. It worked so well that now, even if I forget to look at her and smile, she stops whatever she is doing, looks at me and laughs. It's our little in-joke: garbage disposals are hilarious!